Sunday, March 7, 2010

Ridiculously Excited

All I'm saying is that fortune cookies come true. I have one more week with the company that laid me off and then? Then I start smiling bigger every day.

Because I have a job. But not just any job. A job that is frighteningly close to my dream job. At a company filled with some of the coolest people I've met. I'll be sharing more details as I settle in.

I hope it's as great as I imagine. I hope I can make a difference in their company. And, like a nervous kid on the first day of school, I hope they like me.


Unknown said...

So awesome to be able to say that. Congratulations!

Anonymous said...

You should know that your snippet shows" I have one more week with the company that laid me..." So, so, so great.

Sarah said...

Ha! Well of course I'm not quitting THAT job. The money's too good.