Thursday, June 4, 2009

Welcome home, little brother

Sorry for the delay, my friends. My computer and camera weren't agreeing, so my post was a little slowed down. Thanks for your patience.

My little brother is coming home after living in New Jersey for two years. I'd gush about how excited I am to see him again, or go on about what a great person he is (I am, and he is), but let's get down to business.

Jeff asked for very little from home while he was gone, but he did ask me to make a birthday calendar for him. This is the perpetual calendar that I came up with.

In celebration of his return, I'm sharing this calendar with you. If you'd like some help keeping track of birthdays, anniversaries, and other annual events, just click right here, save the pdf to your computer, print it, cut each page in half, and bind them all together.

1 comment:

Jentry said...

I love this idea. Lately I forget birthdays if they aren't my facebook friend.